The Canadian Chamber of Commerce Quotes

chamber of commerce quotes

A local chamber of commerce membership is one way you can find mentors to grow your business. Whether or not your prospects and customers are local to you, being part of your community is extremely important for business owners.

chamber of commerce quotes

It comes from the individual genius of its people. And you know, art as commerce, doesn’t really make too much sense, they don’t go together. The whole commerce between master and slave is a perpetual exercise of the most boisterous passions, the most unremitting despotism on the one part, and degrading submissions on the other.

Quotes from Women Founders on Finding Success

It is a spiritual commerce with the Creator of heaven and earth. Don’t let form become more important than the substance of your heart and mind. Don’t let commerce determine what you do exclusively. Who are possessed of the spirit of commerce, who see and who will pursue their advantages may achieve almost anything.

You cannot create a piece of art merely for money. Doing it as part of commerce so denudes art of wonder that it ceases to be art. The labor of a human being is not a commodity or article of commerce. You can’t weigh the soul of a man with a bar of pig-iron. The distinction between the world of commerce and that of “culture” quickly became the distinction between infrastructure and superstructure, with the former clearly determining the latter.

It’s a crying shame we don’t play more parks and fairs.

For any business, large or small, not to have an e-commerce strategy is a big mistake. And it’s possible to monetize your art without compromising the integrity of it for commerce. Industry, commerce and security are the surest roads to the happiness and prosperity of people. It’s very important for folks to understand that when there’s more trade, there’s more commerce. I fell in love with commerce and the opportunities that come with compelling visual storytelling. The first inventions of commerce are, like those of all other arts, cunning and short-sighted. Free speech does not live many hours after free industry and free commerce die.

chamber of commerce quotes

It’s a crying shame we don’t play more parks and fairs. I would love to go right to the Chamber of Commerce or whoever they are, so that we could get involved in a different way. You do not export democracy through the Defense Department or the Defense Secretary. You do it through trade agreements, through the Department of Commerce and favorable chamber of commerce quotes agreements with our friends and neighbors across the globe. Actually I’d had a certain amount of experience in Europe in the inter-war period, as a banker, and I was also a member of the Board of Directors of the International Chamber of Commerce. Commerce is unexpectedly confident and serene, alert, adventurous, and unwearied.


Recruit people into your circle to be your “cheerleaders” and mind melders. As a business owner, you have the best interests of your company, staff, and products or services. Your emotions and perspectives can be a strong guide for your business’s future.

  • The more one observes, the more clearly does he see that it is in the soil of pure science that are found the origins of all our modern industry and commerce.
  • Bear in mind that brains and learning, like muscle and physical skill, are articles of commerce.
  • To admit that I didn’t know was the first step,” added Haile.
  • You of the West are practical in business, practical in great inventions, but we of the East are practical in religion.
  • The Greenwood-Leflore Chamber of Commerce is where business, government and citizens collaborate to make our community better in many ways, one being an improved life experience for all of us.
  • This was written in the 1600s by English poet John Donne and is still popular because what he wrote rings true today.

I think that’s just commerce, that’s just selling you something. Art should never be a slave to commerce, but for all working artists that’s exactly what it must be. I have acquired a deep and abiding respect for all those engaged in the difficult business of commerce. The commerce of the world is conducted by the strong, and usually it operates against the weak. They had to know science and commerce and all sorts of practical things.

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